Svenska Whippetklubben, inofficiell riksutställning i Vilsta 29-30/7 2010
Domare: Lynn Yacoby-Wright (Cobyco) UK (29/7 hanar, 30/7 tikar)
Totalt deltagande hundar: 94+106
Deltagande baby: 9+9
Deltagande valpar: 6+12
Deltagande vuxna: 79+85
Deltagande seniorer: 7+5
Deltagande veteraner: 4+7
BIS Ch Barnesmore Luck O’ The Irish
BIS Ch Barnesmore Luck O’ The Irish
BIM Burnt sienna Dream On
BH-1 Burnt Sienna Dream On
BH-2 Ch Veredon Vanilla Ranger Windwalker
BH-3 Ch Sol Y Sombra Palais Royal
BH-4 Ch Adagio Love Supreme
BH-R Fornix Justin
BT-1 Ch Barnesmore Luck O’ The Irish
BT-2 Yes We Can At Whipcat
BT-3 Burnt Sienna Sweet Emotion
BT-4 Rivarco Tiramisuperadagio
BT-R Pendahr Deep Purple
Babyklass hanar/males (9)
1. Adagio Crowdstopper HP
2. Jelistaz Prince Waliant HP
3. Carmodey Katos Kato Kato HP
4. Magic Colour Touch Of Jazzo HP
5. Adagio Hello Moto HP
Carmodey Kaksi HP
Carmodey Katse Minuun HP
Magic Colour White Rock Jazzo HP
Per-Mobile Eyes Bright HP
Babyklass tikar/bitches (9)
1. Adagio Move Your Mind HP
2. Pendahr Paradise Walk HP
3. Adagio Makes People Talk HP
4. Magic Colour Lady Jazzo
5. Carmodey Katriikka
Gomorronsols Amazone
Gomorronsols Pompadour
Magic Colour Jazzo Girl
Skräddaregårdens Kryddan Qarusell
BIS-baby Adagio Move Your Mind
BIM-baby Adagio Crowdstopper
Valpklass hanar/males (6)
1. Magic Colour Cyber Space HP
2. Per-Mobile Dream Boat HP
3. Camyrra’s Inflames HP
4. Sotholmens O’Boy HP
5. Memoars Texas HP
Magic Colour Cyber Cowboy HP
Valpklass tikar/bitches (12)
1. Pendahr P.o.s.h HP
2. Adagio Ginger Girl HP
3. Camyrra’s Lillasyster HP
4. Magic Colour Cyber Babe
5. Hot Isle Modesty Blaise
Camyrra’s Takida
Häradssvedens Happy Kate
Magic Colour Cyber Queen
Per-Mobile Deep Red Anna
Pompeca’s G Girl Close To Mumma
Sotholmens Ofelia
Sotholmens Olivia
BIS-valp Pendahr P.o.s.h
BIM-valp Magic Colour Cyber Space
Juniorklass hanar/males (8)
1. Fornix Justin UK
2. Tappinskis How To Look Like Daddy UK
3. Fornix Jesper HP
4. Twin Hills Houston HP
5. Mac Bells Hot As Blue Blazes HP
Cerastes Sistrurus HP
Fornix Jozo HP
Librium’s Horseman HP
Juniorklass tikar/bitches (13)
1. Yes We Can At Whipcat UK
2. Nahiniz Baffin Bay HP
3. Lawtons Oops I Did It Again HP
4. Fennaur Klio HP
5. Siprex Elda
Fornix Jonna
Häradssvedens Glamour
Im Blueskies Blue Diamond
Mac Bells Hold Your Horses
Pompeca’s Countess Shannon O’connor
Pompeca’s Lady Chloé O’connor
Siprex Evita
Song Sung Blue Inpearls
BIS-junior Yes We Can At Whipcat
BIM-junior Fornix Justin
Unghundsklass/Intermediate hanar/males (12)
1. Burnt Sienna Dream On UK
2. Tappinskis Gentleman Of The Year HP
3. Twyborn Chineese Dragon HP
4. Courtborne Munin
5. Magic Colour Midnight Delight
Adagio Solitary Brother
Dixitown Sanningens Pilot
Höglias Den Siste Riddaren
Höglias Lugnet Före Stormen
Nota’s Crew Gula
Play A While A Passage To India
Skräddaregårdens Stellas Oliver
Unghundsklass/Intermediate tikar/bitches (14)
1. Burnt Sienna Sweet Emotion UK
2. Rivarco Tiramisuperadagio UK
3. Let’s Run Bollywood HP
4. Per-Mobile Bright Eyes HP
5. Hound’s Music Matters HP
Dixietown Blå Vägen Hem
Dixietown Kyss Dynamit
Höglias Trollmåne
Magic Colour Midnight Secret
Per-Mobile All Of Me
Skräddaregårdens Stellas Omega
Twyborn Chromatella
Twyborn Doreen
Wolf Tone Maja Mauser
BIS-unghund Burnt Sienna Dream On
BIM-unghund Burnt Sienna Sweet Emotion
Bruksklass/Workling Class hanar/males (6)
1. Rhetsgis Jonnie Walker UK
2. Farytail’s Wild’n Sweet
3. Pompeca’s Gustavus Introitus
4. Hot Isle Jisco
5. Pompeca’s Gustavus Lacrimosa
Bokellas det Sjunde Inseglet
Bruksklass/Workling Class tikar/bitches (8)
1. Let’s Run Contemporary UK
2. Belara Play Madonna
3. Belara Sleeping Sun
4. Magic Colour Scented Silhouette
5. Pompeca’s Heavenly Honey Sapphire
Hot Isle Jalessa
Pompeca’s Love My Culture
Ståhej Rumba
BIS-bruks Let’s Run Contemporary
BIM-bruks Rhetsgis Jonnie Walker
Öppenklass/Open Class hanar/males (29)
1. Courthill Cast In Stone UK
2. Per-Mobile Xerxes UK
3. Zelig Kalessin UK
4. Twin Hills Gatsby UK
5. Åbrinkens Apó Azzar UK
Smaragdens Octopussy UK
Twin Hills Galaxy UK
Aaniston Lawn Tennis In Venice
Airescot Dark Magican
Carmodey Gullgosse
Catch Ups The Boxer
Chinias Joshua
Courtborne Chipollini
Fennaur Karajan
Foxy’s O’Meara
Magic Colour Gold Charmer
Per-Mobile Topflighter Uno
Per-Mobile Uffe The Urchin
Per-Mobile White And Black Cowboy
Per-Mobile Xis My Name
Per-Mobile Zero Cool Ace
Pompeca’s Gustavos Ansgarius
Rhetsgis Humphrey Bogart
Softouch Wild Eagle
Suna Regens Keylinns Ricky
Swaara Grandmaster Flash
Twyborn Ambrose Congreve
Welona’s Ikaros
Yermoloff’s Pay The Devil
Öppenklass/Open Class tikar/bitches (28)
1. Pendahr Deep Purple UK
2. Courtborne Rock-A-Hula Baby
3. Adagio The Rose
4. She’s-Madonna
5. Coastwinds Rider Natalie Maines
Airescot Jenny Lind
Belara Play Blondie
Carmodey Gullviva
Catch Ups Sail On Silver Girl
Coastwinder Rider Shania Twain
Emanatio’s Dancing With Pendahr
Fennaur Leonie Rysanek
Fennaur Renata Tebaldi
Gomorronsols Hop I Pandoras Ask
Let’s Run One Step Closer
Paper Moon’s Parthenia
Per-Mobile Umbra Babe
Per-Mobile Unspotted Tigress
Play A While Arabia
Rhetsgis Norma Jean
Siprex Amelie Made For Librium
Sotholmens Nima
Springeldens Fifth-Symphony
Springeldens Sixth-Sense
Ståhej Reggae
Swaara Velvet Goldmine
Twin Hills Glorious
Twin Hills Gorgeous
Wolf Tone Misty
Championklass hanar/males (13)
1. Ch Veredon Vanilla Ranger Windwalker UK
2. Ch Sol Y Sombra Palais Royal UK
3. Ch Rivarco Quintus UK
4. Ch Albicans Music Man UK
5. Ch Farytail’s Thefragrance O’Gold UK
Ch Airescot Cyber Dragon UK
Ch Burnt Sienna Cutting Edge UK
Ch Adagio My Culture
Ch Burnt Sienna Midsummer Headline
Ch Tappinskis French Fasion
Ch Twin Hills Château Calon
Ch Twyborn Big Ben
Ch Whipcat Question Of Honour
Championklass tikar/bitches (9)
1. Ch Barnesmore Luck O’ The Irish UK
2. Ch Burnt Sienna Midsummer Breeze UK
3. Ch Whipcat Quick Silver UK
4. Ch Play A While Lady Orlando UK
5. Ch Mac Bells Driving Miss Daisy UK
Ch Adagio She’s The One
Ch Courtborne Jokers-Hildigard
Ch Per-Mobile Xantippa
Ch Tappinskis Friends Forever
Seniorklass hanar/males (7)
1. Ch Adagio Love Supreme UK
2. Ch Courtborne Ramazotti UK
3. Gazolin Marsipan HP
4. Lingon Black-Moon HP
5. Librium’s Quiet On The Set HP
Fornix Isak
Pompeca’s Irish Love Time
Seniorklass tikar/bitches (5)
1. The Rattigan’s Airstep UK
2. Fornix Isabell HP
3. Airescot Scented Silver HP
4. Pompeca’s Summer Time Love HP
5. Twin Hills Alizé HP
BIS-senior Ch Adagio Love Supreme
BIM-senior The Rattigan’s Airstep
Veteranklass hanar/males (4)
1. Ch Samanthas Stanley Cash UK
2. Per-Mobile Ace For Action HP
3. Fornix Higgins HP
4. Fornix Härbert HP
Veteranklass tikar/bitches (7)
1. Ch Hjortronblommas Gin Kelly HP
2. Play A While Mymlan HP
3. Ch Bokellas Detroit Red Wings HP
4. Seflidos Clara HP
5. Pompeca’s Herrgårds Frun HP
Emanatio’s Alekto HP
Gazolin Kaka HP
BIS-veteran Samantas Stanley Cash
BIM-veteran Hjortronblommas Gin Kelly
BIS-avelsklass: Ch Mac Bells Citizen Kane
(Tävlade med: Tappinskis How To Look Like Daddy, Welona’s Ikaros, Ch Burnt Sienna Midsummer Headline & Ch Burnt Sienna Midsummer Breeze)
BIS-uppfödare: Burnt Sienna
(Tävlade med: Burnt Sienna Dream On, Ch Burnt Sienna Midsummer Headline, Burnt Sienna Sweet Emotion & Ch Burnt Sienna Midsummer Breeze)
BIS-generationklass: Ch Adagio Love Supreme, Ch Adagio She’s The One, She’S-Madonna.
BIS-par: Fornix Justin, Fornix Jonna